Why This Website Exists

Unexpected Things Happen

This website exists to promote the idea of an Audio Scrapbook. A collection of audio memories from people that are important to you.

Having something as simple as this can be so important in the future.

You always hear stories of people from all walks of life suddenly dying.

From medical events, accidents or worse. Realising just how fragile life can be and how things can change in an instant really makes you think.

This happened to me. In a couple of different ways.

Family Member

Firstly my partners dad was suddenly admitted to hospital. Unexpectedly and suddenly he died. We were there when he passed.

A tough time for anyone to go through.

Weeks later she asked me. “What happens if I forget his voice?”

I didn’t have an answer for her.

He wasn’t keen on being in front of a camera. We were lucky to have the photos we had. For video or audio, not so much. This event sparked me into building this website.


People I know having to go through a sudden loss, unexpected and without warning, reinforced to me you never know what can happen.

Any moment, anytime life can throw you a curveball and things are forever changed.

Old Work Colleague

One of the nicest people around. Highly respected, and doing great things.

Drops dead.

Around the same age as me, no warning, nothing.

This was a huge shock to everyone that knew them. Another reason for me to build something like this.

Memories are all That’s Left

For a lot of people memories are all that is left. They are the most precious thing you have.

It got me thinking. There has to be something to help people.

I can’t build a time machine. But I came up with the idea of Audio Scrapbooks.

It’s a simple idea with huge benefits.

The Aim of the Website

The aim of the website is to help people make an Audio Scrapbook. I talk more about what an Audio Scrapbook is in this blog post. I also talk about why I think audio is better option.

It’s something that you would be glad to have in case something unexpected happens.

To learn more please explore the rest of the website.

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